Projects Funded

Aliento Partnership

AzPF has built a partnership with Aliento, a community organization led by Reyna Montoya, whose goal is to provide resources to undocumented, DACA, and mixed-status children and youth. AzPF has been successful in sponsoring five $1,000 Psyched to DREAM scholarships for five high school graduates (pictured below) to help fund their college journey. We are very excited that we’ll get the opportunity to help these incredible students get closer to their goals! The scholarships were awarded exclusively to psychology/mental health and related college majors.

A part of each $1,000 scholarship, we have also connected each student with a Psychologist willing to offer their support as mentors to these incredible youth for one year. The mentor will meet with their mentee quarterly for one year and help their professional development as Latinx college students.

Award Recipients

Yuliana Huicochea Brito (mentored by Yolanda “Evie” Garcia, PhD)

Cesar Alberto Galvez Moreno (mentored by Lauren C. Taveras, PsyD)

Dafne Cortez Jimenez (mentored by Katherine H. Sanchez, PhD)

Doudou Tshiyena (mentored by Amanda Malak, PsyD)

Hidalty Gonzalez (not pictured; mentored by Denise Rodriguez Esquivel, PhD)

Other Projects

  • Border Clinic Vitamins
  • notMYkid Bilingual Behavioral Health Brochure
  • Dissertation Research Grants for Doctoral Students
  • Scholarships to AzPA Convention
  • Sponsorship of Dissertation Research Presentation at AzPA Convention
  • Awards to Poster Session Winners
  • Behavioral Health PSA Contest with a $1000 Prevention Grant to a Public School
  • Yearly Awards for Distinguished Psychologists